What We Are
- Innovative and Future-Thinking
- Respectful of Regionality
- Urban Revolutionaries
- Inclusive and Community Focused
- Culture Celebrators
- Fun

- Innovative and Future-Thinking
- Respectful of Regionality
- Urban Revolutionaries
- Inclusive and Community Focused
- Culture Celebrators
- Fun
- Traditional and Tired
- One Global Style
- Tract Home Designers
- Exclusive and Elitist
- Culture Appropriators
- Not Fun
Meet Ace
Andrew Grant Houston, known by his friends as Ace, is an architect and urban designer who is passionate about changing the way people live in cities and is focused on creating places where individuals thrive together and culture is celebrated. A mixed-race and queer individual, his appreciation of culture also expands to his interests: he loves eating all types of cuisine, enjoys foreign music and films, and speaks five languages. You can usually find him around Seattle listening to new music, coming up with a new design idea, or trying a new restaurant. Ace is a resident of Seattle, however as a 6th generation Texan also spends time in his adopted hometown of Austin.