Young Architect Conference 2019 - PDX and Jupiter NEXT
Hi! Ace here.
This past weekend I attended the inaugural Young Architect Conference. As opposed to creating a very long read about how life-changing and affirming the experience was, I’ve decided to show rather than tell. Below is a photo essay outlining my time in Portland at #YARCHCON and the amazing voices and perspectives I got to meet.
The business of the head of Young Architect, Michael Riscica. Wow.
This empowering presentation by Dr. Ashlee Klevens Hayes.
The first night’s opening party and the first group of many new friends made through embracing the moment.
A presentation by Wandile Mthiyane, founder of Ubuntu Design Group
A SECOND presentation by Dr. Ashlee. I was so impacted I signed up for her Career By Design membership.
Architect Mariela Bravo of Puerto Rico discussing resilient communities and a new generation.
Architect and Youtuber Drew Paul Bell emphasizing the importance of stepping up.
Somehow this photo at Hawthorne Asylum during lunch with fellow attendees turned into a bunch of scale figures.
A workshop that taught me how to render a scene in an hour by the Prince of Kendama, Christian Fraser.
Pokemon GO reference during a presentation on VR by Yulio.
A fucking good presentation by one of the founders of Good Fucking Design Advice, Jason Bacher.
The closing keynote by Mike and a KEY point in the architecture profession. This is not a competition.
Adam Denais (of Architable) and Monica Denais discuss keys to networking
A discussion on content creation with Mike, Drew, Sean Joyner of Archinect, Paul David Keskeys of Architizer, and Youtuber Joseph Echavarria
I was named MVP of the conference (which, wow.)
The closing RAGER at Jupiter NEXT. The cement of current friendships and future collaborations.
Needless to say, this conference changed my life in such a positive way and left a lasting impact on me.
I’ll be there in 2020, will you?